How to Make the Most of Your Time when Studying
9 authors | 20 revisions | Last updated:
July 30, 2012
Studying differs from one person to the next so what works for one may not for another. The ways that you can make the most of your studying time depends on what works best for you.
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- 1Develop a schedule that will allow you adequate time to study
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To make the most of time when studying, select the times of day your brain is at its peak performance. This can vary from individual to individual. Study when your brain is functions best helps maximize its performance and reduce redundancy.
Study in a comfortable place where you can concentrate without distraction. Distractions slow down performance because they unfocus the mind.
Focusing the mind can be difficult especially if you are worrying about something, are tired, and don't know how to study well
Develop a study strategy you know your mind will work well with. Everyone's brain is wired differently, and we all learn in different ways. Some of us are visual learners others are auditory or kinesthetic learners. Find out what you are and increase the method which you brain learns from best to save more time. For example, if you are an auditory learner listening to lectures on tape and going to class may be more important than reading the text. If one is more visual the text book and notes become the most important aid in studying.
Practice different techniques. Stay on the look out for new ways to study and create some for yourself. After time studying will become easier and more of a routine than a challenge.
Take notes in class on the important things that you are going over so that you have the necessary clues to what you really need to focus on for an exam
Studying itself is a fine art, there may be workshops or even courses on how to improve studying techniques and save time. One of the cornerstones of education and life is being able to and knowing how to study. There are many things in life that need studying whether it be a homework problem, a hole in the wall, building a model, putting a puzzle together or solving a relationship obstacle. The better one know how to study the more time one will save and the greater one will achieve when it comes around to testing time.
Take frequent breaks. Of course, there are instances where you will need to study or work on homework for much longer than a few hours. In these cases, make sure that you are taking frequent breaks. Every 30 minutes to an hour, get up and stretch your legs to avoid stiffness and muscle cramps. Moving around a bit will get your metabolism going and leave you feeling more energized. A small snack that is high in protein and low in sugar is also a good way to boost your energy. Also try to not spend all your time eating
EditPlanning Your Time
- 1In order to make the most of your time when studying, you need to have a plan. Your plan should consider:
- WHEN you are going to study
- WHERE you are going to study
- WHAT you are going to study
- HOW you are going to study
- WHEN you are going to study
- 2WHEN - Whenever possible, you should plan your study sessions for the time of day when you are most alert and motivated. If you are a night person, you shouldn't expect yourself to be very productive during morning study session . What might take you only 20 minutes to study when you are at your most alert may take you an hour when you are tired and unable to concentrate.
- 3WHERE - Some students insist that they can study in crowded places with music blaring, but I find this hard to believe. You will get the most out of your study time when there are few distractions to interrupt your concentration and focus. A quiet corner of the university library is always a good spot. If you study around your friends, you may be tempted to join in with their conversations or give up on your studying all together to do something more fun. Having music or the television playing in the background can cause your mind to wander.
- 4WHAT - Before beginning any study session, you should take a few minutes to prioritize. Make a list of everything you have to do and when you need to have it completed by. Then estimate how long each task will take you to complete so that you can plan your schedule accordingly. When studying, it is tempting to attempt the easiest and most interesting subjects first and save the more difficult and boring subjects for last, even if they are more important or due the soonest. This can result in the more difficult subjects never being tackled. Doing things in order of their priority will help insure that you turn your assignments in on time and are well-prepared for exams.
- 5HOW - In order to make the most of your study time, you should try to schedule short study sessions rather than long ones. One to two hours is ideal, because it is long enough for you to make some good progress, but not so long that you begin to lose focus.
- Study the most critical material first and then go through the other stuff. It is most important to focus on what you know the teacher expects of you. Once again that is why it is so important to take notes in classes.
- Don't forget, you can also take advantage of time spent waiting, traveling or even at work when you don't have anything to do. Ten minutes here and there that would otherwise be spent surfing the web or reading a magazine can add up quickly. You will have more time for fun activities if you make use of this time that would otherwise be wasted.
- Be well rested before you study. This will allow you to focus on your work while you are alert and well rested so you hopefully can study to your fullest potential.
- Make the most of your time but do not work for more then 2 hours at a time without a break. When you are studying to hard you are bond to start feeling tired and you will typically lose you productivity.
- Start earlier than the weekend before finals. With multiple exams to be studying for, trying to cram it into 2 short days is not always the best idea.
- Motivate yourself by writing down a list of your academic goals and viewing it whenever you get lazy!
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Edit Warnings
- Avoid coffee, anything sugary, soda, and energy drinks that will give you a terrible crash a few hours later.
- Don't waste study time trying to sort through all your notes and textbooks. You should try to have everything in an order according to your classes.
How to Cope With Classmates Hating You
11 authors | 29 revisions | Last updated: May 3, 2012Are you one of those kids that don't get along with anybody in their class or school and you don't know how to deal with it? Read further!Edit Steps
- 1Understand the reason for which your classmates don't like you.
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- Are you annoying?
- Are they envious of you/your good grades?
- Are you a wannabe?
- Are you just different from them, and they aren't able to tolerate you?
- Have you done something wrong to them as a group or to each one of them?
- Do you act mean or hostile towards them?
- 2Ask them what they think of you. If they try to avoid the answer or tell you what they think you would like to hear, they probably say many horrible things behind your back, as they wouldn't just give you an honest answer. If they just insult you and say no positive things about you, they either try to make you feel bad or they truly believe you have only negative traits. If they tell you you're a great person (and you feel they're honest), but you just need to be a little more sociable and friendly, they really mean it and you shouldn't be suspicious anymore.
- 3Notice their behavior towards you. If there's something you need help at, would they offer you their help or just roll their eyes and say you're an idiot because you can't do it by yourself? This tells you whether they want you around or not. Would they help you, but only out of politeness? This means they are trying hard not to be around you, but they don't want to be mean.
- 4Try to be more open and friendly towards them for a while. Their attitude should change. But if it doesn't, it's time you face the truth: they can't stand you.
- 5Avoid them during recess. Act like you were alone in the classroom. Make planes out of paper sheets, listen to music at your mp3 player, draw- just don't get close to them if you know it won't end up well.
- 6Don't make yourself too noticed in class. They could take advantage of the situation to make you look bad. Of course, answer the teacher's questions and stuff like that, but don't try to be the center of attention.
- 7Move in the back of the class. It will help making you less noticed among them. However if you have a problem concentrating then move to the front of the class and that is an advantage because your haters won't do anything to you when the teacher is watching.
- 8Don't let your social life depend on your classmates. Make friends in other classes, or, if your whole school is like that, look for friends in other circles.
- 9Regain your confidence. If you are confident, no one can hurt you. Know that you are a valuable and wonderful person, no matter of how do they think of you. Be positive.
- 10See if their behavior towards you affects you. It's not easy to be in a class in which you have no friends, but some people cope with this better than others. If it affects you so badly that it influences your results in school, there are some serious problems here. Ask your class master or other teacher to help you.
- Sometimes you feel that bad while at school that the sensation persists several hours after school, at home. You can feel so bad that you can't do your homework anymore; in this case, a good idea is to practice your favorite hobby right after you come home from school. Seeking counseling should also be an option.
- Focus on studying if there is no way you can have a normal social life at school. At least it gets you something to do. See, there is a good side in everything!
- 12Try to convince your parents to move you to another school. There, you can begin a new social life, where people don't know anything about you, so they won't judge you before they know you.
- If there are no real reasons they could hate you (meaning you're not a jackass, you're actually a pleasant person, and other people not from your school really appreciate you), then they're envious. Especially if teachers like you.
- If you tried to be nice and they didn't show you the same treatment, then they don't deserve your kindness. So, why should you try to get closer to them, if they don't want you around?
- If they're hostile towards you, probably you're not the only one in this situation; maybe this is their way to behave with anyone they don't particularly like. In this case, there must be someone else they're excluding; try to find these people and befriend them, so you guys will have each other and won't be facing your social issues at school alone.
- Don't be too unfriendly to them, otherwise you can even get bullied. Just act like nothing happened and ignore them.
- Don't hate them back because that's just going to cause drama, and you don't wanna be a "Drama Queen or King" because its stupid. Also sometime they might like you if you just be polite.
How to Keep a Sharp Mind and Good Attitude
42 authors | 151 revisions | Last updated:
September 16, 2012
We all want to keep our minds sharp and fresh. By working to keep your mind sharp, you can improve your attitude. Nothing angers a person more than not being able to remember important things or events. By having a sharp mind you can figure situations out more effectively and make wiser decisions. There are numerous ways to keep your mind sharp while keeping a good, well-rounded of these include understanding your goal and setting your mind towards achieving that goal.must discipline yourself in a positive attitude and surround yourself with people that inspire keep motivated one should set time to reach the goal
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- 1Heed this next statement: No matter how sharp a mind you may have, no one can remember everything. Therefore, don't beat yourself up trying. Learning to write things down helps.
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MSc Project Management Masters Find Out How to Apply Online! - 2Find and use a special talent. Everyone has some type of special talent. Be open to trying different things. You could find a hidden talent that you are not aware of. Do you learn from sound and voice pitch or from pictures?
- 3Maintain a regular exercise program. It will help to relieve tension. Relieving tension alone can improve your thought patterns. The less tension that you have the sharper your mind will become. You will begin to develop a better attitude as time goes on. You should find a program that works for you.
- 4Write through self-expression. Writing poetry can be relaxing plus it is a great way to express yourself. Not everyone writes poetry so find your own mode of self expression. Try sewing, playing a musical instrument, or gardening. Get a Diary and express your thoughts.
- 5Don't let learning stop just because you're out of school. You are never too old to learn. Go to your local library to gain more knowledge. It is a great place to relax, gather thoughts, and focus on studying. If you have any spare time, carry a book over to the park or stop in at a family restaurant. It all aids in building a sharper better mind, and improves your attitude.
- 6Treat yourself as well as you treat others. It will improve the way you think. You will be a happier individual with a sharper mind and better attitude. Try buying yourself a small gift while out shopping for others. It is always good to give, and being generous is nice, but charity should begin at home. Remember, too, that generosity involves more than just material things and satisfaction is not achieved by consumption.
- 7Figure out for yourself the true meaning of what is important in life. In doing so you will build a sharper mind and a better attitude. For where others may have failed and so never know the true meaning, you may succeed. Search deep inside for your inner self.
- 8Try to find some common sense in life. You are truly blessed if you have common sense. There is nothing like good old common sense, for without it how can you possibly achieve having a sharp mind?
- 9Use your mind more instead of using a calculator or adding machine. This is to say, especially, on simple things that you can easily total up in your head or on a piece of paper. Many people haven't done long division since grade school; give it a try sometime.
- 10Stay focused on making your own decisions. Don't let other people try to make decisions for you. Be firm about speaking for yourself. And don't be afraid of expressing your opinion. Everyone has an opinion and the right to have one. Who knows, your opinion may catch on.
- 11Do things that you enjoy. Jog or run or ski or play ball, fish, write, garden, or whatever makes you happy. It will help you to keep your mind fresh and clear and keep your attitude at it's best.
- 12Learn some basic memory techniques. To start off with, you could find some books written by Tony Buzan (Mind Maps) or Dominic O'Brien: both of them are top people in the memory world.
- 13Learn from everything you do. When mowing figure out the most efficient route, When reading try to read faster, every detail make look a little better, try to write neat, try to never use spell check, and so on. Because if you are constantly learning you will succeed in life, and you will surpass your fellow workers.
- 14Learn to improve your mental ability in domains such as logic, problems solving, mental orientation and corrective thought process. It allows one to improve upon rationality and with rationality comes right attitude towards situation....
- Sit down and think it out, what can you do to keep a sharper mind and a better attitude? You'll be amazed at what that you figure out for yourself.
- Don't let others rule your life, for that will make you sad and dull your mind.
- You can simplify arithmetic to do calculations quickly and easily in your head. Let us say that you need to add 433 and 433, well 33+33=66 and 4+4=8. So you'll come up with a total of 866.
- Learn to round off numbers while grocery shopping. Try not using a calculator. Although, one may shop on a budget. If something is .69 cents, simply round it off to .70 cents in your head. I always come close to the exact amount (dollar-wise) at the check out register. This works unless you totally avoid looking at your grocery list, which is not recommended.
- Drink plenty of water. Drinking little water every 30-40 minutes works well.
- Have a great time with wikiHow. It will aid in keeping a good sharp mind and a good positive attitude. Writing is like food for the brain.
- Make yourself a special mental note that being sharp is smart.
- Thinking positive is not only healthy, but it builds a stronger mind with that well adjusted attitude.
- Negative thinking never gets anything done; it is just setting yourself up to fail.
- Sleep is very important to keep a sharp mind and good attitude. But laying in bed tossing and tumbling isn't any fun. So do something to assure that you are tired enough to sleep well. A few hours of good sleep are better than those broken up hours of slumber.
- Try to keep your alcohol consumption to a minimum, and stay away from drugs because they suppress your mental clarity
- Try using your opposite hand to do everyday things, especially writing and printing. Sit down and start writing on a piece of paper using your off hand. It will probably start out like scrawl, but you will gain better control, become more aware of your tense shoulders and body, and able to use both sides of your brain. This exercise is also used for epileptic patients.
- Think about the tasks you plan to do during the day and make a list and start working. If you do this everyday, you will definitely get good results.
- Try to connect with nature when you are tense. Nature can have a calming effect and promotes relaxation.
- Watch out for people that try to do your thinking for you. However, keep your mind open for good advice. When you have a sharp mind, you'll recognize good advice.
- Don't be a people pleaser, for the wrong kind of people will take advantage of you. If you stay sharp, chances are that won't happen to you.
- Practicing different strategies to keep your mind sharper is good, but such strategies should be used in a relaxed way. One should enjoy while doing it but should not do under any compulsion.
How to Become an Excellent Student
55 authors | 193 revisions | Last updated:
September 3, 2012
Edit Steps
- 1Like all exceptionally great students, you must pay attention! When a teacher is giving a lesson, take notes and if you don't understand something, raise your hand and ask questions. The more questions you ask, the smarter you'll get, believe it or not. By passing notes and talking to friends, you won't learn anything, so pay close attention!
MSc Project Management
MSc Project Management Masters Find Out How to Apply Online! - 2Review your notes when you have free time.
- 3Take some time to write some problems up, or you could ask someone to write them for you. Just remember, it doesn't hurt to go over what you have learned.
- 4Do your homework
Be prepared
Get organized
Start to read a little more. If you are not already a reader, start at your level and work your way up. You may not know this, but by reading more challenging and difficult books, you are expanding your vocabulary.
Ask a parent or older sibling to look over your notes and create a mini-test for you 3 days advance of your test. You should always want to study before the night of your test.
If your mind is not working properly then do not lose your heart. Just focus on your work and you'll succeed.
Use of mind maps can be helpful for understanding hard topics.- Never feel shy and just be confident; it does not matter if you say a wrong answer because you are a learner, and if you do not make any mistakes, you can't be a learner! Remember, no one will kill you if you make a mistake!
- Always go for extra credit. Even if you are getting a 98% in a class. You can always do better.
- Stay focused. Everyone knows school can be boring, but you have got to concentrate on getting focused. Keep your eyes on the teacher, keep your ears open, and take notes. Taking notes will help you think and help you understand what is being taught more.
- Sleep! Sleeping well is essential to keep you concentrated on classes and also on your studies.
- Rewriting notes taken in class is helpful if taking exceptionally hard classes. (Ex. law, economics, engineering etc.)
- Lessons are fun if you pay attention and listen to what the teacher is saying, and if you know about that topic you will feel good, and if you don't know about it, maybe you should study it a little.
- Find out your learning style (ex.visual, auditory, kinesthetic, etc.) and look online to find out about study habits that match your learning style. You'll be surprised at how much easier it is! But be sure to answer the quiz questions truthfully.
- Also, find out if you are a left brain or a right brain. Left brain is organized, logical, rational. Right brain is intuitive, lets feelings go, sees things in an abstract way. If you take a quiz and discover you are both, no worries! Lots of people are.
- Stop studying and let your brain rest for at least an hour before you go to bed, if you overwork your brain it will not process information properly.
- Also remember that psychological studies have shown that people tend to forget much of the information learned in the last ten minutes before falling asleep. So you should do something else before you go right to bed after studying.
- Time management is the most important thing.
- Always be ready to answer questions and raise your hand more often.
- If you are smart you can teach other people and while you are teaching you are expanding your memory power.
- If you can play an instrument, sing, or have any musical skills, try to play a little everyday. Not only will it improve your skill and ability, but it will allow you to focus on homework, school work, essays, etc.
- Take a break after studying, it will help you from getting stress.
- You start studying when you start the unit
- Never feel nervous if teacher ask any question. Be confident.
- You can make mind-maps to help with revising before any exam or test. For additional information, see how to make a mind map.
- Never let your parent's put to much pressure on you. Tell them nicely to back off and let you breathe you can't handle to much stress. And after you tell them give them a nice hug.
- Whatever you do, do not procrastinate; don't put things off. If you do, you will have to rush on that certain project, and you probably won't get the grade you deserve. If you procrastinate for a test, you will have to review what you will be tested on in a short amount of time.
- Don't freak out if you get a bad grade on a paper. Everyone (including high level students) get bad grades once in a while. It's not the end of the world. Just try harder next time.
- Above all, don't cheat. Cheating doesn't teach you anything at all. Plus, if you get caught, you will get into serious trouble. It's not worth it!
- Sometimes being an excellent student can lead to unpopularity or people thinking that you are weird. Do some sports or socialize once a while. This actually expands your mind even more.
- Be on top of your grades. If your school has online grades, then check them every other day. That way you aren't surprised when you get your progress report, and know if you forgot to turn something in, need to work on something or if a teacher entered a grade wrong.
- Sometimes, it is very helpful to solve past papers pertaining to a particular course a few days to that test.
How to Get Great Grades With No Effort
36 authors | 111 revisions | Last updated:
April 9, 2012
Getting great grades requires loads of studying... or does it?
Studying hard is really important but at the same time you must enjoy things to release your stress.
Studying hard is really important but at the same time you must enjoy things to release your stress.
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- 1Sit in the front row in class. That will make you seem interested. This will also make you more focused.
MSc Psychology
Study Your MSc Psychology Online Through the University of Liverpool - 2Answer a question when the chance comes up. Do not give in to what-if-I'm-wrong attitude... It's better to try.
- 3Focus on the part the teacher tells you to. It will be apparent you listen and that you are willing to work hard to achieve your goals. When doing an assignment, check the grading criteria (or rubric) twice. Sometimes it's only one extra thing that changes a grade from B to A. For example: One is writing about how much dogs are hated. The grading criteria lists "To get an A you must discuss the topic from another perspective." Simply remembering to include in the writing why dogs are good may be all the difference between a B and an A paper.
- 4Get a good amount of sleep each night. You will be surprised at how much more easily you can focus and absorb what you learn when you are well rested.
- 5Pay attention to other people's questions. The answer to their question may be important.
- 6Take good notes. If you do, you can easily review them for a test or quiz and do that test/quiz in a snap! You can take notes by writing down important things the teacher says, and by writing down whatever your teacher says after "This is important," or "This will be on the test."
- When writing essays, do not write on something in the textbook. It'll take you less than one minute to look up some extra information on Google or Wikipedia and it'll make you so much brighter.
- Be sure to study for tests, and try not to leave it to the last minute.
- Build a positive attitude. It helps to look forward to a test. Think, I will do great on this test not I will fail the test for sure.
- Tests are usually a big part of your grades. Review 5-10 minutes each day and the information will stick to your head!
- If your teacher hands you your tests back, don't trash them. Instead, keep them for final exams or midterms.
- Never ever cheat, it wont take you anywhere. Instead take it up in your mind and the next time you study for a test, memorize what you couldn't get right previously.
- When using Wikipedia make sure you check the info twice because Wikipedia can be edited by anyone who has a computer and internet.
- Note: Putting effort has been proven to actually raise grades! Remember that no one is always going to get the question right or is going to be perfect, they just aim high and work hard. So if you get good grades, then you only get them because you are a hard worker!
- Just because you get a C on a paper doesn't mean you should give up, just try a little bit harder. Practice makes perfect, and studying can really make a difference in your grades!
- Remember that you should never waste your time! STAY FOCUSED!
- Always set goals and try to do your best and WORK HARD!
- Don't try to push yourself too much or work harder than you should. Take baby steps. Work a little bit harder than the last time, and you will eventually be the number one in the class!
- Keep your stuff organized, you don't want to get knocked down a letter grade just because you lost assignments.
- Remember that only perfect practice makes perfect. Don't study the wrong facts!
How to Do Well in School
84 authors | 314 revisions | Last updated:
2 days ago
School is an important part of our lives, it also helps us determine what we will be in the future and there are many ways to improve our grades in this area. Whether you are a failing student desperate for high grades or a less-than-perfect student struggling to get the last point, this guide is for you.
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Have your necessary materials all the time. You don't want to be unprepared for sudden note-taking or a pop quiz by discovering you forgot your pencils/pens/erasers/etc.
Jot down notes
Make sure to answer and/or ask at least one question per class- When you pick a question to answer, make sure you know the answer and the question is not too easy. Don't worry about asking too many questions; it's the teachers job to help you.
Review at home. Do this in a quiet place with no distractions. If the computer is in your room take it out or go to another room! Don't study with the radio on! It might help you write more but on the day of the exam the only thing you'll remember will be the lyrics.
- Rewrite notes. Yes this may sound boring and time consuming but it's been proven to help you remember more of what you wrote down. It also help you to figure out problems you might have had in the class.
- Put effort into your homework. Though it seems like a torture device, homework is a way of controlling and making progress outside of the classroom. This isn't very comforting the night you have two essays and algebra to do, though, so remember to do the actual homework and keep up with the workload. If you're having serious difficulties, talk to your teachers and parents to come up with a schedule for your homework.
- Take a practice test before the exam to further your understanding of what you need to study. Be careful, though, taking dozens of practice tests is a much less effective way to study than combining one or two with other forms of study.
- Take breaks now and then. Instead of multitasking, set aside a certain amount of time to do just homework. When that set amount of time is over, take a 20-30 minute break to keep your mind from getting tired. When that time is up, go back to doing 100% homework.
Study with friends
Ask for help. Review guidebooks may help you in classes which you are struggling. Alternatively, you could go to the teacher for extra help, have a friend coach you, or ask your parents to hire a tutor.
Learn from your mistakes. Pay attention in class when something is being corrected. Mark your work clearly and carefully so that it is useful in preventing other errors in the future.
Study during the holidays and vacation from school. If after the holidays you have a test and have not reviewed over the holiday period, your mind will have switched off, and you will have forgotten a lot of things that you have learned before the holidays. Therefore you are likely to fail the test or do badly in it.
- Get a book at your grade level for any new class subject you will be taking next term such as Chemistry, and read or scan it closely. Look at all the illustrations, charts, definitions, and learn things like the chemical symbols (C is carbon, H is Hydrogen, Zn is zinc, Au is gold, Ag is silver, etc.); read chapter summaries.
- Treat the holidays like any weekends: Yes, you can relax and have fun, but study at least 3 times a week so you don't forget everything you have learned.
- Ask your parents or friends to sit with you and review over what you have difficulty with, or that you need to memorize and recite.
Sleep well every night
Be persistent
Join extracurricular activities. This will allow you to make more friends, do something fun, and have something to add on a college or even job resume to show people that you are a well rounded-individual.
- Find something that you enjoy doing to balance out the school work. But don't spend too much time on it that you don't get to your school work.
Make sure you study and be determined to do well. There is no need for hours on end of studying, but see how much time you have until the exam and divide the amount into equal amounts of studying each day. Remember to balance it out; go out with friends at the weekend and maybe on one weekday, but make sure you don't forget about the work.
- Don't be afraid of asking for help: A parent/teacher can be very helpful.
- Don't worry about the other kids in your class not doing their work. Focus on yours. You'll most likely get a better grade than them anyway.
- Learn to listen. Eighty percent of the questions you find on any test were explained in class.
- If you can't read well, find a tutor. An older student, a teacher, find someone who will listen as you read, read, read!
- If you have poor penmanship, neaten it now! Many classes teachers are more likely to be forgiving on tests and essays if they can read what you write.
- Read more to improve reading speed and comprehension. Read for pleasure at home to achieve this.
- Read all kinds of books. This way, you'll learn how to understand different texts and it'll become pretty interesting.
- Keep a planner of homework and other things that you need to do each week. This will help prevent something from falling to the side.
- Don't let others distract you from learning.
- Don't cheat! You will not learn the things that you were taught so you wont be able to know how to do it during a test.
- Participate in class! This is an important factor of your grade. Raising your hand once or twice in class, doesn't do any harm.
- Do not be afraid to ask the teacher in that subject to help you in your free time, she or he will be happy to help you
- Never let anyone cheat or copy off you, they will start being your friend and never let you pay atention in class
- Don't be too nervous about smaller tests. If you are not feeling well then ask the teacher if you can do the test later.
- Don't get stuck when you are in a middle of a test. Just skip it and keep on going, or make your best guess. You can come back to it at the end if there's time.Warnings
- Keep calm and don't over-freak about a test or assignment. It's OK to be nervous, but it's not okay to let that nervousness compromise your true ability.
- Don't cheat. You are learning nothing and putting your grades and your allowance for the next 4 weeks in danger. This goes for buddy-to-buddy and copy-and-paste off the computer as well.
- Don't procrastinate. It will just put more stress on you and make the quality of your work poorer.
- It's fine to have fun or take a break, but not in advance! You're putting off your homework, and eventually you'll either lose 3 hours of sleep, or your grades will go down for not handing in the assignment, often accompanied by some form of punishment (either from your body, since you haven't rested enough, your parents because of your bad grades, or your teacher, for not handing in the assignment.)
- Make sure to be with friends who will have your back, whatever you do, and are really true friends. Reviewing with your friends may help you to identify & improve areas you may be lack confidence in.
- If things are hard for you, don't worry, just think of something that makes you happy and it will be all right. Remember you're not the only one that feels this way.
- Try your best at all times!
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